Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Documents - Case

The Documents screen stores any documents that are associated to the case. From this screen, users can manually upload documents, view documents, and delete documents. Emails sent using the Send Email workflow step can be viewed from this screen.

This screen contains a grid which displays all uploaded documents associated with a case. The following columns display information about the document:

Column Name Description
File Name Displays the name of the document that was uploaded.
Description Displays the description of the document that was entered when uploaded.
Account Displays the account number associated with the document.
Date Created Displays the date the document was uploaded to Temenos Infinity.

The Documents screen also contains a filter  that enables users to enter keywords to refine the case documents.

Uploading Documents

To upload a document, click the Upload Document button. The Document Upload screen opens in a new window.

Viewing Documents

To view a document, select the desired document from the documents grid and click the View Document button.

When prompted, click Open to view the document.

The document opens in a new window. To close the document, close the new window.

Deleting Documents

To delete a document, select the desired document from the documents grid and click the Delete Document button.

When prompted, click Yes to confirm the document deletion. Click No to retain the document.



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